Hi, I am a Storyteller.

My photography business developed from an obsession of everyday beauty surrounding us, an ever-existing passion for photography combined with a love for real people and their love and life stories. Since starting out, I have learnt so much about myself and people and the wonderful connection that develops when you are allowed to photograph people in their most vulnerable moments. The nature of these moments intrigues me and made me fall in love with this industry. I always tell potential clients that in order for you to find your best fit, look for a photographer you can relate to, someone you will like, someone who like the same things you do and someone who value the same things you do. Oh and you have to love their photos too! I want to share a bit about me so you can get a feel for who I am and discover if you resonate with me.

THIS is me, I LOVE life! I love to laugh, to cry when others cry, to make a fool of myself so you can laugh and look happy in your photos. I love beautiful things like sunsets, lens flairs, golden light, mountains, flowers, well spoken words, couples that are effortlessly in love, feel-good movies… basically anything that is uplifting and inspirational. I love great stories of love. I love people that respect and value me for who I am. I value time, as we only have one chance every day to make it count! I love people who love themselves regardless of how they look. I love genuineness, authenticity and character. I’m looking forward to getting to know you too! And I would LOVE to hear and be a part of your story!

See My Work

“As the bridegroom rejoiceth over the bride, so shall thy God rejoice over thee.”